Real value of APM (Application Performance Management)
JenniferSoft Newsletter with Gartner research
Real value of APM (Application Performance Management)

- 1 page. Real value of APM (Application Performance Management)
- 5 page. Research from Gartner: How to Move Analytics to Real Time
- 10 page. About JenniferSoft
- Research from Gartner- How to Move Analytics to Real Time
The world of the internet, thanks to the revolution in the mobile devices, is experiencing transaction volumes and service speed that you could not have imagined 10 years ago. This hike requires corporate IT administrators to consider new solutions and ways of managing web application performance in order to keep up with the changes in market. As a result, monitoring web application server (JAVA, .NET, PHP) is getting more and more important. Web Application Server (WAS) resides in between end-user and back-end systems, so all of transactions goes through the WAS zone. Monitoring the WAS zone has proven to be the most effective way to build and maintain scalable web application systems. JENNIFER APM provides the perfect set of tools that can act as a barometer for performance manager coping with ever changing IT environment.
Real-Time Transaction Monitoring Real-time monitoring and analysis is the core concept in JENNIFER’s design. Currently, JENNIFER is the only APM product that capture and tracks real-time transactions from their beginning to their end. Real-Time active service monitoring -one of JENNIFER’s unique features- provides transactions status in real-time, second by second. Using this feature, it is possible to monitor information on transaction executing status, including which transactions are not yet processed, which users are suffering response delay and which SQL query is currently being executed…