Jennifer Online Course (2021, July) for Jennifer Users

JenniferSoft offered the second user training session in 2021.
For this second online training session, a total of 129 persons submitted an application and it means that about 50 additional applicants submitting their requests this time.
A training session that used to be offered offline was canceled due to COVID-19 virus in the last year and it was finally switched to online and as those who could not receive the user training in the past and those who want to receive new training became highly interested in the event, the training session became a big success.

Moreover, in this Jennifer online training, those partner engineers who provided tech supports in the actual fields are providing now training, and additionally, there are many engineers and developers from the main office of JenniferSoft participating online, another big merit is that those users who have questions apart from the training subjects can get all the answers they needed.
The next training is expected to be held in October. Once the date is confirmed, we will notify users on our homepage and Facebook about how to apply for it.